AnAqSim Instructional Series: Exercise Set 13
AnAqSim Tools, Tips, and Techniques
The Set 13 Exercise Package provides a comprehensive set of lectures and hands-on exercises that demonstrate the use of the wide range of AnAqSim’ s built-in tools that can be used to facilitate model development and analysis of model results. AnAqSim’s digitizing tools make it easy to draw a model on the screen, but this is made even easier and more accurate by importing a basemap of site features to guide the model development process. In addition, AnAqSim’s graphic output (contours, pathlines, and flow vectors) can be modified to prepare report-ready graphics using the built-in View Manager and can be better understood by overlaying them on a basemap which displays key hydrologic and geographic features (surface water features; potential contaminant sources or receptor locations). Finally, lectures and exercises in this set demonstrate how to use the various analysis tools that can be used to inspect and evaluate model results, including the model inspector tool and charting and plotting features, as well as how to export model data for evaluation in other programs.
Topics covered in the Set 13 Model Building and Analysis Tools Exercise Package include:
- Overview of the AnAqSim model building process
- Explanation of solver settings and checks parameters
- Direct inspection and editing of AnAqSim XML-format input files
- Use of model inspector tools
- Overview of Analysis Tools (lecture)
- Intro to Analysis Tools (hands-on)
- Working with AnAqSim input data grids
- Overview of View Manager features (lecture)
- Use of the View Manager (hands-on)
- AnAqSim digitizing tools
- Use of digital basemaps for model building and display of results
- Exporting model results
- Importing river element data from external Excel data set
The Set 13 Exercise Package contains instructional lessons, any necessary modeling input files, basemaps, etc; and a set of step-by-step completed AnAqSim files that you can load at any point if you want to check one of the exercise steps – everything you need to continue learning groundwater modeling using AnAqSim!
If you have any questions as you work your way through the training materials, be sure to search our Blog for more information or to post a comment or question. Or, visit our Contact page to send us a question directly.
It's time to take the next step to becoming a superior groundwater modeler – with our flexAEM AnAqSim Instructional Series Set 13 Exercise Package!
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A Great Value! Includes All 15 of our Exercise Packages, as well as the flexAEM Custom Tools Package.
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- All flexAEM Tutorials & Tools
- AnAqSim Instructional Series
- Exercise Package Set 1
- Exercise Package Set 2
- Exercise Package Set 3
- Exercise Package Set 4
- Exercise Package Set 5
- Exercise Package Set 6
- Exercise Package Set 7
- Exercise Package Set 8
- Exercise Package Set 9
- Exercise Package Set 10
- Exercise Package Set 11
- Exercise Package Set 12
- Exercise Package Set 13
- Exercise Package Set 14
- Exercise Package Set 15
- flexAEM Custom Tools
- Remediation Calculator Toolkits