AnAqSim Instructional Series: Exercise Set 9

Multiple Layers

The Set 9 Exercise Package introduces an important new area of AnAqSim’s capabilities: development of multiple layer groundwater flow models. Exercises included in Exercise Set 9 demonstrate multi-layer model construction for the simulation of vertical aquifer flow, flow to wells with multiple screened intervals, and accurate representation of 3-D flow in stream-lake confluence areas.

Topics covered in the Set 9 Exercise Package include:

  • Creating multiple-layer models
  • Multiple layer model with pumping well
  • Multiple layer model with river line element
  • Multiple layer model with river domain
  • Stream joining a lake domain boundary
  • Stream joining a lake with 3-D flow and discharge
  • Flow patterns near a stream joining a multi-layer lake feature

The Set 9 Exercise Package contains instructional lessons, any necessary modeling input files, basemaps, etc; and a set of step-by-step completed AnAqSim files that you can load at any point if you want to check one of the exercise steps – everything you need to continue learning groundwater modeling using AnAqSim!

If you have any questions as you work your way through the training materials, be sure to search our Blog for more information or to post a comment or question. Or, visit our Contact page to send us a question directly.

It's time to take the next step to becoming a superior groundwater modeler – with our flexAEM AnAqSim Instructional Series Set 9 Exercise Package!

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